Professor Yonggang Wang, graduated from Department of Modern Physics of USTC majoring in Nuclear Electronics in 1987, obtained master’s degree in Nuclear Physics in Jun. 1990 and Ph.D degree in Dec. 1997. His research work mainly focused on particle detectors and electronics, including nuclear signal processing technology. From 1996 to 1998, he participated the international cooperative project with VUB-Vrije Universiteit in Brussel, and developed the high-performance data acquisition and processing system for VUB-PET scanner. In 1999, he worked at VUB in Belgium continuing the research work on the development of new readout electronics for APD array based PET detectors. In 2000, he worked at IMEC Microelectronics Research Center, in Belgium, doing research work on chip design in wireless communication domain. In 2005, Wang was promoted as a full professor in the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He is now advising a research group, named as Real-time Tech Laboratory in USTC, doing research work on the key techniques related with high performance real-time information processing systems.
Recent papers:
1. Yonggang Wang, Jie Kuang, Chong Liu, Qiang Cao and Deng. Li, “A Flexible 32-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter implemented in a Xilinx Zynq-7000 Field Programmable Gate Array”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 847(2017)61-66.
2. Yonggang Wang, Jie Kuang, Chong Liu, and Qiang Cao,“A 3.9 ps RMS Precision Time-to-Digital Converter Using Ones Counter Encoding Scheme in a Kintex-7 FPGA”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.64, No.10, Oct. 2017, pp2713-18.
3. Jie Kuang, Yonggang Wang, Chong Liu,“A 128-Channel High Performance Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in an UltraScale FPGA”,2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS-MIC2017), pp1-4, N27-1, Atlanta, USA, Oct. 21- 29, 2017.
4. Yonggang Wang, Yong Xiao, Xinyi Cheng, Deng Li, and Liwei Wang,“An FPGA-Based Real-Time Maximum Likelihood 3D Position Estimation for a Continuous Crystal PET Detector”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.63, No.1, Feb. 2016, pp37-43.
5. Yonggang Wang, Cong Hui, Chong Liu, and Chao Xu, “Theory and implementation of a very high throughput true random number generator in field programmable gate array”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 044704 (2016).
6. Yonggang Wang, Peng Kuang, Chong Liu, “A 256-channel Multi-phase Clock Sampling-Based Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in a Kintex-7 FPGA”, 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology (I2MTC2016), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23-26, 2016, pp 429-433.
7. Chong Liu, Yonggang Wang, Peng Kuang, Deng Li, Xinyi Cheng, “A 3.9 ps RMS Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter Using Dual-sampling Method on Kintex UltraScale FPGA” IEEE 20th Real Time Conference (RT2016), Padova, Italy, June 2016.
8. Xiao Yong, Cheng Xinyi and Wang Yonggang, “Preliminary Performance of a Continuous Crystal PET Detector with TODT Readout Scheme” IEEE 20th Real Time Conference (RT2016), Padova, Italy, June 2016.
9. Y. Wang and C. Liu, “A 3.9 ps Time-Interval RMS Precision Time-to-Digital Converter Using a Dual-Sampling Method in an UltraScale FPGA”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.63, No.5, Oct. 2016, pp2617-21.
10. Y. Wang and C. Liu, “A 4.2 ps Time-Interval RMS Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter Using a Bin Decimation Method in an UltraScale FPGA”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.63, No.5, Oct. 2016, pp2632-38.
11. Qiang Cao, Yonggang Wang and Chong Liu, “A combination of multiple channels of FPGA based time-to-digital converter for high time precision”, 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS-MIC2016), pp1-4, N05-2, Strasbourg, France, Oct. 29- Nov.5, 2016.
12. Yong Xiao, Yonggang Wang and Xinyi Cheng, “Photon Interaction Position-Dependent Time Walk Measurement for PET Detectors based on Continuous Crystal Coupled to a Multi-anode PMT”, 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS-MIC2016), pp1-4, M04B-4, Strasbourg, France, Oct. 29- Nov.5, 2016.
13. Cong Hui, Yonggang Wang and Xiaoming Lu, “Implementation of a High Throughput LDPC Codec in FPGA for QKD System”, 2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Oct.25-28, 2016, Hangzhou, China.
14. Chong Liu, Yonggang Wang, “A 128-Channel, 710 MS/s Throughput, and Less than 10 ps RMS Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in a Kintex-7 FPGA”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.62, No.3, JUNE 2015, pp773-783.
15. Yonggang Wang, Liwei Wang, Deng Li, Xinyi Cheng, Yong Xiao, “Self-Organizing Map Neural Network-Based Depth-of-Interaction Determination for Continuous Crystal PET Detectors”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.62, No.3, JUNE 2015, pp766-772.
16. Yonggang Wang and Chong Liu, “A Nonlinearity Minimization-Oriented Resource-Saving Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in a 28 nm Xilinx FPGA” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.62, No.5, October 2015, pp2003-09.
17. LU XiaoMing, Zhang LiJun*, WANG YongGang*, CHEN Wei, HUANG DaJun, LI Deng, WANG Shuang, HE DeYong, YIN ZhenQiang, ZHOU Yu, HUI Cong & HAN ZhengFu “FPGA based digital phase-coding quantum key distribution system”, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, December 2015, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp120301-8.
18. Yonggang Wang, Chong Liu and Xinyi Cheng, Deng Li “Spartan-6 FPGA Based 8-Channel Time-to-Digital Converters for TOF-PET Systems”, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS-MIC2015), pp1-4, M3CP-5, San Diego, Oct. 31- Nov.7, 2015.